Sunday, August 23, 2015


It is the WORST invention in the history of the world. It is disgusting and globby and it jiggles creepily. As well as it makes some people such as myself nauseous. I can't stand to even watch people eat it. In conclusion the world did not EVER and will not EVER need Jello.

Good Books

Hadyn's Top % Books
(these are all the good books I have read RECENTLY), (1 is the best)
  1. The Land of Stories The Wishing Spell
  2. This Journal Belongs to Ratchet
  3. The Land of Stories The Enchantress Returns
  4. The Secret Tree
  5. The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place

Sunday, August 2, 2015

My Vacation to UT

I have been away for 2 weeks visiting with my extended family in UT. Let me just recommend some things before I get started on my story. In the grand Canyon you should:
  1. NOT camp if there is any chance of raining
  2. NOT eat at the pizza place in the main lodge (it takes too long for the pizza to get to you)
  3. Stay at the Kaibab Lodge about 10 miles from the park 
  4. Hike the WHOLE Kenpatrick trail
  5. Look out for the amazing Kaibab Squirrels (if you would like to know what it looks like search it)
  6. Ride Mules halfway down to the bottom of the Canyon